Part A: Original articles and reviews
1. Neuman M, Abramovich A: Tissue damage induced by several fragrance compounds used in food and cosmetics. Harefuah 1984; 106:265-9.
2. Langer R, Ron-El R, Neuman M, Herman A, Caspi E: Detrusor instability following colposuspension for urinary stress incontinence. Br J Obstet Gynecol 1988; 95(6):607-10.
3. Langer R, Ron-El R, Neuman M, Herman A, Bukovsky I, Caspi E: The value of simultaneous hysterectomy during Burch colposuspension for urinary stress ncontinence. Obstet Gynecol 1988; 72(6):866-9.
4. Milo R, Neuman M, Klein C, Caspi E, Arlosoroff A: Acute intermittent porphyria in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 1989; 73(3): 450-2.
5. Bukovsky I, Neuman M, Ron-El R, Langer R, Caspi E: Pneumococcal peritonitis in the presence of intrauterine device - conservative treatment. Eur J Obstet Gynecol and Rep Biol 1989; 33(1):79-82.
6. Langer R, Neuman M, Ron-El R, Golan A, Bukovsky I, Caspi E: The effect of total abdominal hysterectomy on bladder function in asymptomatic women. Obstet Gynecol 1989; 74(2):205-7.
6a. Langer R, Neuman M, Ron-El R, Golan A, Bukovsky I, Caspi E: The effect of total abdominal hysterectomy on bladder function in asymptomatic women. Excerpta medica 1990; 3(1):7.
7. Bukovsky I, Neuman M, Schneider D, Sherman D, Langer R, Caspi E: Salpingo-oophorectomy at the time of vaginal hysterectomy. Isr J Obstet Gynecol 1990; 1(1):23-5.
8. Neuman M, Weinraub Z, Bukovsky I, Langer R, Caspi E: Pregnancy and delivery management in presence of fetal hydrocephalus - A review. Isr J Obstet Gynecol 1990; 1(1):34-8.
9. Neuman M, Langer R, Bechar R, Golan A, Bukovsky I, Caspi E: Penicillin and tetracycline prophylaxis for cesarean delivery. J Perinatal Med 1990; 18(2):145-8.
9a. Neuman M, Langer R, Bechar R, Golan A, Bukovsky I, Caspi E: Penicillin and tetracycline prophylaxis for cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol Digest 1991; 2:16-7.
10. Langer R, Golan A, Ron-El R, Neuman M, Pansky M, Bukovsky I, Caspi E: Colposuspension for urinary stress incontinence in pre and post menopausal women. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1990; 171(1):13-6.
11. Langer R, Golan A, Ron-El R, Pansky M, Neuman M, and Lunenfeld B, Caspi E: Hormonal changes related to impairment of cervical mucosa in cycles stimulated by clomiphene citrate. Aus NZ J Obstet Gynecol 1990; 30(3):254-6.
12. Neuman M, Alon H, Langer R, Edelman AI: Recurrent urinary tract infections in the presence of transvesical ligatures after vaginal hysterectomy and anterior colporrhaphy. Aus NZ Obstet Gynecol 1990; 30(2):184-5.
13. Langer R, Golan A, Neuman M, Schneider D, Bukovsky I, Caspi E: The effect of large uterine fibroids on urinary bladder function and symptoms. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990; 163(4 Pt1):1139-41.
14. Golan A, Raziel A, Neuman M, Schneider D, Bukovsky I, Caspi E: Fertility before and after surgery for primary ovarian pregnancy. Fertil Steril 1991; 55(1):200-1.
15. Langer R, Golan A, Neuman M, Pansky M, Bukovsky I, and Caspi E: The absence and effect of induced menopause by gonadotropin releasing hormone analogs on lower genital tract symptoms and urodynamic parameters. Fertil Steril 1991; 55(4):751-3.
16. Neuman M, Koch Y, Bukovsky I, Langer R, Golan A, Caspi E: Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) action on the uterine leiomyomata is not mediated by uterine GnRH receptors. Fertil Steril 1991; 56(2):364-6.
16a. Neuman M, Koch I, Langer R, Golan A, Bukovsky I, and Caspi E: Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) action on uterine leiomyomata is not mediated by uterine GnRH receptors. Oncol-Uro-Gynecol 1993; 3(1):11-3.
17. Neuman M, Eidelman AI, Bukovsky I, Langer R, Golan A, Caspi E: Iatrogenic injuries to the ureter during gynecologic and obstetric operations. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1991; 173(4):268-72.
17a. Neuman M, Eidelman A, Bukovsky I, Langer R, Golan A, Caspi E: Iatrogenic injuries to the ureters during gynecological and obstetrical surgery - reducing the incidence and management - 30 years follow up. Year Book Obstet Gynecol 1993; 256.
18. Golan A, Bernstein T, Wexler S, Neuman M, Bukovsky I, David MP: The effect of prostaglandins and aspirin - an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis - on adhesion foundation in rats. Hum Reprod 1991; 6(2):251-4.
19. Golan A, Langer R, Neuman M, Wexler S, Segev E, David MP: Obstetric outcome in women with congenital uterine malformations. J Reprod Med 1992; 37(3):233-6.
20. Broide E, Bistristrizer T, Livne M, Neuman M, Goldberg M, Alagjem M: The effect of prenatal administration of dexamethasane and ritodrine on cord blood cortisol and glucose concentrations in premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome. J Perinatal Med 1992; 20:289-95.
21. Neuman M, Beller U, Boldes R, Kohelet O, Hertzeanu I, and Goldberg M: Onset of spontaneous labor and changes in E2 and progesterone levels - possible interrelation. J Perinatal Med 1992; 20(6):429-35.
22. Lavie O, Beller U, Neuman M, Rosenmann E, Diamant YZ: Serous papillary adenocarcinoma of the endometrium – a unique entity with a grave prognosis. Eur J Gynecol Oncol 1993; 14(1):46-50.
23. Neuman M, Beller U, Ben-Chetrit A, Lavie O, Boldes R, Diamant YZ: Prophylactic effect of the open vaginal vault method in reducing febrile morbidity in abdominal hysterectomy. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1993; 176(6):591-3.
23a. Neuman M, Beller U, Ben-Chetrit A, Lavie O, Boldes R, Diamant YZ: Prophylactic effect of the open vaginal vault method in reducing febrile morbidity in abdominal hysterectomy. Year Book Obstet Gynecol 1994; 262-3.
24. Lavie O, Beller U, Neuman M, Ben-Chetrit A, Sabag S, Diamant YZ: Maternal serum creatine kinase: a possible predictor of tubal pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993; 169(5):1149-50.
25. Neuman M, Beller U, Lavie O, Aboulafia Y, Rabinowitz R, Diamant YZ: Intrapartum bimanual tocolitic - assisted reversal of face presentation: Preliminary report. Obstet Gynecol 1994; 84(1):146-8.
26. Neuman M, Beller U: Second look laparotomy. The Family Physician 1994; 22(1):35-6.
27. Tadmor OP, Zlotogorski Z, Galron-Duniec M, Rabinowitz R, Neuman M, Beller U, and Diamant YZ: The effect of feedback on anxiety levels during ultrasound scanning for ovarian cancer. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 1995; 6(2):135-9.
28. Lavie O, Neuman M, Voss E, Beller U: Aspiration of the adnexal mass - is it reliable? Harefuah 1995; 129(11):502-7.
29. Neuman M, Beller U, Lavie O, Tadmor OP, Hornreich G, Diamant YZ: Successful emergency cerclage for mid-trimester cervical incompetence with bulging of membranes: clinical experience. Isr J Obstet Gynecol 1995; 6(4): 146-9.
30. Lavie O, Boldes R, Neuman M, Rabinowitz R, Algur N, Beller U: Ultrasonographic - "Endometrial three layer": a unique finding in ectopic pregnancy. J Clin Ultrasound 1996; 24(4):179-83.
31. Lavie O, Neuman M, Beller U: The management of a persistent adnexal mass in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1996; 175(3):750.
32. Lavie O, Neuman M, Zuckerman B, Hornreich G, Beller U: Squamous cell carcinoma antigen as tumor marker for uterine cervix carcinoma. Harefuah 1998; 135:61-4.
33. Neuman M, Zuckerman B, Zilberman M, Farkas A, Beller U: T.V.T - a new surgical method for urinary stress incontinence. Harefuah 1999; 137:80-2.
34. Kridelka FG, Neuman M, Edwards OS, Robertson J, Grand PT, Hacker NF: Adjuvant small field pelvic radiation for patients with high-risk stage I b lymph node negative cervix carcinoma after radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymph node dissection – a pilot study. Cancer 1999; 86(10):2059-65.
35. Neuman M, Zuckerman B, Lavie O, Beller U: Vaginal vault prolapse repair by sacrospineous fixation. Harefuah 2000; 138:7-9.
36. Neuman M, Musaiev A, Diamant YZ: New trends in surgery for female urinary stress incontinence. Harefuah 2000; 138:923-9.
37. Neuman M: Infected hematoma following tension-free vaginal tape implantation. J of Urology 2002; 168:2549.
38. Neuman M: Low incidence of post TVT genital prolapse. Int Urogynecol J and Pelvic Floor Dysfunc 2003; 14:191-2.
39. Neuman M: Trans vaginal tape readjustment after unsuccessful tension-fee vaginal tape operation. Neurourology and Urodynamics 2004; 23:282-3.
40. Neuman M: Post tension-free vaginal tape voiding difficulties – prevention and management. J Pelvic Med Surg 2004; 10:19-21.
41. Neuman M: Tension-free vaginal tape bladder penetration and long-lasting transvesical Prolene material. J Pelvic Med Surg 2004; 10(6):307-309.
42. Neuman M, Luria M, Lev-Sagi A et al: TVT-Obturator: Preliminary results of the first 100 operations with a novel procedure for the treatment of female urinary stress incontinence. Harefuah 2005; 144(5):314-6.
43. Neuman M: The use of prophylactic antibiotics in the tension-free vaginal tape procedure – is it indicated? Gynecologic Surgery 2005; 2(2):93 - 95.
44. Neuman M: The catheter straight guide does not reduce the incidence of bladder penetration during TVT placement by the experienced surgeon. Gynecological Surgery, 2005; 3: 23-4.
45. Neuman M: Transvaginal suture placement for bleeding control with the tension-free vaginal tape procedure. Int Urogynecology J and Pelvic Floor Dysfunc, 2006; 17(2):176-7.
46. Neuman M: The TVT procedure as second line anti-incontinence surgery for TVT-Obturator failure patients. J Pelvic Med Surg, 2006, 17(2):176-7.
47. Lavy Y, Neuman M: A new minimally invasive procedure for the conservative treatment of uterine prolapse – The posterior IVS. Harefuah 2006; 145: 404-7.
48. Tsivian A, Neuman M, Kessler O, Mogutin B, Korczak D, Levin S and Sidi A. Does patient weight influence the outcome of the Tension-free Vaginal Tape (TVT) procedure? Long terms follow up study. Gynecol Surg, 2006; 3:195-8.
49. Tsivian A, Neuman M, Yulish E et al. Re-do mid urethral sling for female urinary stress incontinence. Int Urogynecol J and Pelvic Floor Dysfunc, 2007; 18(1): 23-6.
50. Neuman M, Lavy Y: Conservation of the prolapsed uterus is a valid option: Medium term results of a prospective comparative study with the posterior intra-vaginal slingoplasty operation. Int Urogynecol J and Pelvic Floor Dysfunc, 2007; 18: 889-93.
51. Neuman M: TVT and TVT-Obturator: comparison of two operative procedures. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 2007; 131(1): 89-92.
52. Neuman M. Short term follow-up with 300 consecutive TVT-Obturator operations for the treatment of female urinary stress incontinence. Euro Urol, 2007; 51(4): 1083-7.
53. Lavy Y, Neuman M et al. Posterior Intra-Vaginal Sling (PIVS) for vaginal vault prolapse after hysterectomy: Preliminary results of the first 80 operations with a novel minimal invasive procedure. Harefuah, 2007; 146: 4-6.
54. Neuman M, Friedman B, Stein A, Sidi A, Tsivian A Short term follow-up comparison of two trans-Obturator tape procedures. Gynecol Surg 2007; 4:175-8.
55. Neuman M, Friedman M. Advanced mesh implants for vaginal pelvic floor reconstruction: report of 100 Prolift operations. Harefuah, 2007; 146: 923-7.
56. Neuman M, Lavy Y. Reducing mesh exposure in Posterior Intra-Vaginal Slingplasty (PIVS) for vaginal apex suspension. Pelviperineology, 2007; 26(3): 117-21.
57. Neuman M. Training TVT-SECUR: 100 teaching operations. Pelviperineology, 2007; 26(3): 121-4.
58. Neuman M. Training TVT-SECUR: The first 150 teaching operations. Int Urogynecol J and Pelvic Floor Dysfunct, 2007; 18(s1): s27.
59. Neuman M, Lavy Y. Posterior Intra-Vaginal Sling (PIVS) for the treatment of vaginal apex prolapse: medium term results of the 140 operations with a novel procedure. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2008; 140(2): 230-233.
60. Neuman M. TVT-Obturator: Mid-term data on an operative procedure for the cure of female stress urinary incontinence performed on 100 patients. The J Minimal Invasive Gynecol, 2008; 15(1):92-6.
61. Neuman M. Peri-operative complication and early follow up with 100 TVT SECUR procedures. J Minimal Invasive Gynecol, 2008: 15(4):480-4.
62. Neuman M. The history of the sub-urethral sling concept. Quarterly – Int Uregynecol Ass, 2009: 3(4):10.
63. Neuman M, Sosnovski V, Tendler R and Bornstein J. Arguments for mesh implantation at the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse, enabling the benefit of uterine preservation: outcome in 459 procedures. Pelviperineology, 2009: 28(4), 92-6.
64. Neuman M and Bornstein J. Reconstruction of pelvic organ prolapse: the role of mesh implantation and the need for vaginal hysterectomy. Pelviperineology, 2009: 28(4), 104-8.
65. Neuman M, Hubka P, Martan A, Sosnovski V and Bornstein J. Modified needle route for potential reduction of the trans-Obturator inside-out related thigh pain: a cadaveric study. Gynecol Surgery, 2011: 8(2), 171.
66. Neuman M, Sosnovski V, Ophir E, Keis M and Bornstein J. Trans-obturator versus single-incision sub urethral mini slings for female stress urinary incontinence: early post-operative pain and three year follow-up. J Minimal Invasive Gynecol, 2011: 18(6), 769–773.
67. Neuman M. Lessons from over 4000 prothesis implantations. Pelviperineology, 2011; 30(4): 117.
68. Neuman M, Masata J , Hubka P , Bornstein J and Martan A. Sacro-spinous ligaments anterior apical anchoring for needle-guided mesh is a safe option: a cadaveric study. Urology, 2012; 79(5): 1020-2.
69. Neuman M, Sosnovski V, Goralnik S, Diker B and Bornstein J. Early post-operative thigh pain and three year follow-up: comparison of two inside-out trans-obturator sub-urethral sling techniques for stress incontinence. Int J of Urol, 2012;19(12):1103-7.
70. Neuman M, Bornstein J: Surgical mesh reconstruction for post hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse. Part 1: Introduction, pathophysiology,diagnosis. Pelviperineology, 2012; 31(4), 113-8.
71. Neuman M, Bornstein J: Surgical mesh reconstruction for post hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse. Part 2: Treatment and complications. Pelviperineology, 2013; 32(2), 37-44.
72. Neuman M and Messchia M: Vaginal hysterectomy for uterine prolapse – Pro & Con. IUGA quarterly newsletter, 8 (1), 2013.
73. Neuman M, Sumerova Natalia, Sosnovski V, and Bornstein J. Apical pelvic floor prolapse surgical repair: comparison of anterior and posterior pelvic floor compartments vaginal mesh implants. Pelviperineology, 2013;32(3):86-9.
74. Neuman M, Sumerova N, Sosnovski V, and Bornstein J. Sacrospinous ligaments anterior apical anchoring for needle-guided mesh in advanced pelvic organ prolapse. Eur J Obs Gyn Reprod Biol. 2014;172:172-3.
75. Neuman M and Sumerova Natalia. Single incision un-anchored small mesh for surgical reconstruction of moderately prolapsed pelvic floor. Pelviperineology, 2014, 33(4), 100-2.
76. Friedman T, Neuman M, Peled Y and Krissi H. A new reusable suturing device for vaginal sacrospinous fixation: feasibility and safety study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Rep Biol, Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2015, 193: 23-6.
77. Sumerova N, Neuman M, Krissi H and Pushkar D. The "pelvic harness": a skeletonized vaginal mesh implant for safe pelvic floor reconstruction. Int Brz J Urol, 2016;42(3):507-13.
78. Weintraub AY, Friedman T, Baumfeld Y, Neuman M, Krissi H. long term subjective cure rate, urinary tract symptoms and dyspareunia following mesh augmented anterior vaginal wall prolapse repair. Int J Surg. 2015 23;24(Pt A):33-38.
79. Tsivian M, Weintraub AY, Neuman M, Tsivian A. Introducing a true minimal-invasive mesh-less and dissection-less anchoring system for pelvic organ prolapse repair. Int Urogynecol J. 2016;27(4):601-6.
80. Sawaid R Neuman M and Bornstein J. Partially absorbable versus non-absorbable mesh implants for trans-vaginal reconstruction reinforcement of advanced pelvic organ prolapse - a cohort study. Pelviperineology. 2016;35(3):67-9.
81. Weintraub A, Neuman M, Reuven Y, Neymeyer J and Marcus-braun N. Efficacy and safety of skeletonized mesh implants for advanced pelvic organ prolapse: 12 months follow-up. World J Urol. 2016;34(10):1491-8.
82. Weintraub AY, Friedman T, Baumfeld Y, Neuman M, Krissi H. Long-term functional outcomes following mesh augmented posterior vaginal prolapse repair. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2016;135(1):107-11.
83. Weintraub AY, Ben Zvi M, Yohay D, Neymeyer J, Reuven Y, Neuman M, Tsivian A. Safety and short-term outcomes of a new truly minimally invasive mesh-less and dissection-less anchoring system for pelvic organ prolapse apical repair. Int Braz J Urol. 2017;43(3):533-539.
Part B: Chapters in books
84. Katan Y, Neuman M: Is female urinary incontinence an obstacle for Jewish religious marriage? Thumim 2001; 21:132-40.
85. Novara G, Artibani W, Secco S and Neuman M. Surgical mesh reconstruction for post hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse. In: New Techniques in Genital Prolapse Surgery, von Theobald P, Zimmerman C W and Davila G W, Springer. 2011, ISBN 978-1-84882-135-4, 163-70.
Part C: Editorials
86. Neuman M: Surgical management of pelvic organ prolapse in women: short version Cochrane review. Maher C et al in Neurol Urodynam 2008; 27(1):3-12. Int Urogyn Ass Quarterly 2008; 3(2): 2.
87. Neuman M, Bornstein J: Pelvic floor prolapse mesh reconstruction – mesh choice. Pelviperineology 2011; 3(1): 3.
88. Neuman M, Bornstein J: Preservation of the prolapsed uterus. Pelviperineology 2011; 3(2): 35.
89. Neuman M: The FDA 2011 warning regarding adverse effects related to mesh implants for pelvic floor reconstruction - Personal perspectives. J Minimal Invasive Gynecol 2012; 19(1): 1-2.
90. Neuman M: Living with the FDA 2011 warning regarding adverse effects related to mesh implants for pelvic floor reconstruction. Pelviperineology, 2012, 31(4),99-100.
91. Neuman M: Preservation of the prolapsed uterus. Int Urogyn Ass Quarterly 2012; Accepted for publication.
Part D: Case reports
92. Neuman M, Ron-El R, Langer R, Bukovsky I, Caspi E: Maternal death due to HELLP syndrome (with hypoglycemia). Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990; 162:372-3.
93. Neuman M, Langer R, Golan A, Mor Z, Bukovsky I, and Caspi E: Myocardial infarction during the pueperium: Report of a fatal case and review of the literature. Isr J Obstet Gynecol 1991; 2(1):36-9.
94. Neuman M, Beller U, Boldes R, Schreyer P, Bukovsky I, and Caspi E: Fetal hydrocephalus associated with maternal neurofibromatosis. J Perinatal Med 1992; 20(5):397-9.
95. Gedansky E, Beller U, Neuman M, Halevy J, Lebensart P: Regression of hepatic tumors during transdermal estradiol replacement therapy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scan 1995; 74(1):75-8.
96. Hornreich G, Hiller J, Neuman M, McDaniel C, Winograd B, Lavie O,
Beller U: Extrapelvic metastasis of endometroid carcinoma; Resistance to chemo-radiation therapy - Response to paclitaxel treatment. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol 1995; 16(4):263-7.
97. Neuman M, Lavie O, Gedansky E, Diamant YZ, Beller U: Early uterine
rolapse following colponeedle suspension. Aust NZ Obstet Gynecol 1995; 35:339-40.
98. Ravhon A, Ben Chetrit A, Rabinowitz R, Neuman M, Beller U: Successful methotrexate treatment of a viable pregnancy within a thin uterine scar. Br J Obstet Gynecol 1997; 104(5):628-9.
99. Zuckerman B, Lavie O, Neuman M, Rabinowitz R, Ben-Chetrit A, Voss E, Rosenmann E, Beller U: Endometrial carcinoma stage I grade II. Conservative treatment followed by a healthy twin pregnancy. Int J Gynecol Cancer 1998; 8(2):172-4.
1. Neuman M: The Urogynecology – changing from in-hospital to community clinic based subspecialty. Award for the best poster presentation: The second annual meeting of the Israeli society for community gynecology for study presentation, Tel Aviv, 2006.
Invited abstracts:
1. Lavie O, Beller U, Neuman M, Ben-Chetrit A, Sabag S, Diamant YZ: Maternal serum creatine kinase: A possible predictor of tubal pregnancy. Year Book Family Practice. 1995; 421-2.
2. Langer R, Neuman M, Ron-El R, Golan A, Bukovsky I, Caspi E: The effect of total abdominal hysterectomy on bladder function in asymptomatic women. Exerpta medica 1990; 3(1):7.
3. Neuman M, Langer R, Bacher R, Golan A, Bukovsky I, Caspi E: Penicillin and tetracycline prophylaxis for cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol Digest 1991; 2:16-7.
4. Neuman M, Eidelman A, Bukovsky I, Langer R, and Golan A, Caspi E: Iatrogenic injuries to the ureters during gynecological and obstetrical surgery - reducing the incidence and management - 30 years follow up. Year Book Obstet Gynecol 1993; 256.
5. Neuman M, Beller U, Ben-Chetrit A, Lavie O, Boldes R, Diamant YZ: Prophylactic effect of the open vaginal vault method in reducing febrile morbidity in abdominal hysterectomy. Year Book Obstet Gynecol 1994; 262-3.
6. Neuman M: Surgical management of pelvic organ prolapse in women: short version Cochrane review. Maher C et al in Neurol Urodynam 2008; 27(1):3-12. Int Urogyn Ass Quarterly 2008; 3(2): 2.
7. Neuman M: sub mid urethral sling for female urinary incontinence – historic corner. Int Urogyn Ass Quarterly 2009; 3(4): 10.
Letters to the editors:
1. Neuman M: Iatrogenic injuries to the ureter. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1992;
2. Lavie O, Neuman M, Beller U: Maternal serum creatine kinase. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1994; 171(2):582-3.
3. Lavie O, Neuman M, Beller U: The management of a persistent adnexal mass in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1995; 175(3Pt.1):750.
4. Neuman M, Langer R, Golan A: Stone formation on permanent suture material used previously in colposuspension. Br J Urol 1997; 79(1):148.
5. Neuman M: Re "Pregnancy and delivery following tension-free vaginal tape". Int Urogynecol J PFD, 2007; 18(6): 701.
6. Neuman M: Re " TVT and TVT-Obturator: comparison of two operative procedures". Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 2008: 136; 260-2.
7. Neuman M: Re “Anterior colporrhaphy versus transvaginal mesh for pelvic-organ prolapse”. Harefuah, 2011: 9; 747.