
A word from the CEO

The newest and most advanced hospital in Israel - a health experience you have yet to encounter!

We are happy to open the gates of the new Raphael Hospital to all residents of the country.

'Raphael' offers a professional and innovative health standard, that allows for surgeries in a new and modern hospital.
In recent years we have conducted comprehensive tours of a variety of leading hospitals around the world. We have studied, consulted and thought about every possible detail, from big to small, in order to achieve the best results for you.


Three main issues are especially important to us, and we are committed to pay extra attention to them:

1. Safety and comfort of patients -
I am well aware that surgery is a complex procedure and may raise all types of concerns. To help you through this, we have established a comprehensive and supportive service system, which accompanies you from the first moment you are introduced into the facility for treatment, and assists you closely with any request or query you may have. The hospital has been carefully and meticulously designed by leading facility planners who specialize in establishing hospitals to make their patients’ stay as comfortable, pleasant and relaxing as possible.
The operating rooms and wards were designed and built to extremely high standards, in order to maintain maximum safety and prevent infections.


2. Quality of medicine - All surgeons at Raphael are the leading experts and most professional doctors in their field.
At the hospital, operating rooms were especially set up for the doctors’ needs, equipped with innovative high standard equipment and the most advanced technologies currently in the medical world.


3. Investment in human capital - It is clear to us that the quality of a hospital is measured first and foremost in human capital.
We have recruited the most experienced and professional staff, whose primary goal is to maintain the best interest of their patients in mind. We know and are willing to provide everything the teams need in order to function as an elite unit.

I welcome you to visit our facility as well as to come meet us close up and personally.

We are here for you for any question and request you may have!




Ron Moshe - CEO of Raphael Hospitals
